PechaKucha Night Hamptons
PechaKucha Night Hamptons
As the official site for the Hamptons, we join over 700 cities globally in hosting “PechaKucha Nights,” named for the sound of “chit-chat” in Japanese. The format is simple: each invited presenter gets 20 slides x 20 seconds per slide to talk about living creatively on the East End. This is a great opportunity to establish new relationships, learn about local resources, and hear from the many creative professionals of our region.
Learn more about PechaKucha HERE and watch recent PechaKucha Night Hamptons on YouTube.
We regret that not all presentations were recorded at high enough quality to share online.
Past PechaKucha Night Hamptons:
Lightning Round
Prior to becoming an official “PechaKucha Night” site, the Parrish Art Museum hosted three affiliate events called “Lightning Round”.
Vol. 1, October 27, 2011
Participants: Maziar Behrooz, Jameson Ellis, David Falkowski, Brian Halweil, Lindsay Morris, Hope Sandrow, Brenda Simmons, Alissa Smith, and Jocelyn Worrall
Vol. 2, March 29, 2012
Participants: Scott Chaskey, Marilee Foster, Esperanza León, Kareem Massoud, Ada Potter, David Rattray, Jason Weiner, and Almond Zigmund
Vol. 3, May 17, 2012
Participants: Vesna Bozic, Sherry Dobbin, Liz Joyce, Sunny Khalsa, Brian Dolphin, Albie Lester, Dennis McDermott, Andréanna Seymore, and Paul Vogel
Vol. 1, September 20, 2012
Presenters: Sydney Albertini, Theo Coulombe, Alexandra Fairweather, Bonnie Grice, Hiroyuki Hamada, Silas Marder, Joe Pintauro, Toni Ross, Sabina Streeter, and Don Sullivan.
Visitors created a SUMI INK CLUB participatory wall drawing and enjoyed a DJ set by Mister Lama.
Vol. 2, November 16, 2012
Presenters: Dianne B; Bjornen, John Bjornen, Erling Hope, Jess Frost, Adam Green, Emma Walton Hamilton, Alicia G. Longwell, Natalie & Stephen Judelson, James Christopher Tracy, and Bruce Wolosoff, followed by a DJ set by Mister Lama.
Vol. 3, March 8, 2013
Presenters: Arjun Achuthan, Roisin Bateman, Scott Bluedorn, Carter Burwell, Darlene Charneco, Eliza Gatfield, Anthony Holbrooke, Ty Kotz, Michael Verde, and Dawn Watson
Vol. 4, June 21, 2013
Presenters: Miche Bacher, Norman Brosterman, Rose Dios, Elizabeth Dow, Mustafa Farhad, Laurie Lambrecht, Zach Lazar, Robin Saidman, and Caterina Verde
Vol. 5, September 20, 2013
Presenters: Max Blagg, Michael Combs, Ken Dorph, Tsering Lhamdo, April Gornik, Grant Haffner, Virva Hinnemo, Kathie Russo, Constance Sepulveda
Vol. 6, December 13, 2013
Presenters: Katie Baldwin, Lauren Chattman, Glenn Fuhrman, Tara Israel, Nancy Kelley, Susan Meisel, Mamoun Nukumanu Friedrich-Grosvenor, Richard Phillips, Christian Scheider; and Stephen G. White
Vol. 7, March 28, 2014
Presenters: Noah Becker, Jerstin Crosby, Brendan Davison, Bob DeLuca, Jonas Hagen, Alice Hope, Hy Mariampolski, Jackie McKay, Ari Meisel, and Ingrid Silva.
Vol. 8, June 13, 2014
Presenters: Bastienne Schmidt, Mirella Cheeseman, May Castleberry, Michael Halsband, John Messinger, Sabra Moon Elliot, Michael Osinski, Ezra Thompson, James Keith Phillips, and Mary Woltz
Vol. 9, September 19, 2014
Presenters: Dan Asselin, Cliff Baldwin, Dale Cohen, Peggie Ehlers, Jeff Negron, Kryn Olson, Frank Quevedo, Gary Reiswig, Shed Hadley Vogel, and Brooke Williams.
Vol. 10, December 12, 2014
Presenters: Mike Bottini, Chloë Dirksen, Margaret Garrett, Chris Gentile, Steve Miller, Minerva Perez, Stefanie Sacks, Victoria Smith, Margaret Braun, Alex DiJulio, and Alex Larsen, and Lena Yaremenko
Vol. 11, March 6, 2015
Presenters: Philippe Cheng, Zachary Dunham, Francine Fleischer, Allan Kronzek, Julie and Dan Resnick, Julie Sheehan, Bruce Buschel, Christine Sciulli, and Nadia Ernestus
Vol. 12, June 12, 2015
Presenters: Tyler Armstrong, Livia Azevedo, Taylor Rose Berry, Ted Delano, Georgette Grier-Key, Sarah Koenig, Marian Lindberg, Sameer Mohan, and James Ryan
Vol. 13, September 18, 2015
Presenters: Christopher S. Blotiau, Sofia D’Angelo, Bridget Fleming, Louisa Hargrave, David Kozatch, Carlos Lama, Aubrey Roemer, London Rosiere, Peter Sabbeth, Jonathan Snow, and Auto Body
Vol. 14, December 11, 2015
Presenters: Jesse and Meredith Finkelstein (Print All Over Me), Ruby Jackson, Gregory Johnston, Doug Kuntz, Eric Lemonides, LoVid, Susan MacLaury (Shine Global), Bonnie Munshin, Clarence Sheppard, and Robby Stein
Teen PechaKucha Night February 26, 2016
Presenters: Indivi Bacon – Southampton High School, Karen Blandon – East Hampton High School, Sophia Botero – Montauk Public School, Tycho Burwell – East Hampton Middle School, Claire Kunzeman – Pierson High School, Chandler Littleford – Ross School, Leyla Dorph Lowrie – Pierson High School, and Lily McGintee – East Hampton High School
Vol. 15, March 11, 2016
Presenters: Moira Chas, Bruce Engel, Neil Kraft, Mbachi Kumwenda, Peter Landi, Kenny Mann, Cindy Pease Roe, Joni Sternbach, and Evan Desmond Yee
Vol. 16, June 10, 2016
Presenters: David Bunn Martine, Silvia Channing, Christopher Golden, Bethany Fancher, Terrance Fiore, Kevin McAllister, Daniel Pollera, Tara Prout, Kurt Rist, and Roman Roth
Vol. 17, September 16, 2016
Presenters: Judiann Carmack, Corinne Erni, Kristina Felix, Andrea Grover, Paul Johnson, James Katsipis, Sara Mejia Kriendler, Tim Roepe, Lisa Trivell
Vol. 18, December 9, 2016
Presenters: Peter Boody, Peter Dayton, Bryan Downey, Melinda Hackett, Debra McCall, Maureen Sherry, Chris Siefert, Lee H. Skolnick, Minerva Perez/Lisa Votino-Tarrant
Vol. 19, March 17, 2017
Presenters: Liliana Casabal, Jennifer Cross, Eric Dever, Jody Gambino, Patricia Maurides, Tony Piazza, Alejandro Saralegui, Shane Weeks
Vol. 20, June 2, 2017
Presenters: Monica Banks, Andy Brosnan, Jody Cross, Kate Gilroy, Steve Haweeli, Robert Mojo, Jon Mulhern, Pat Rogers, Terrie Sultan
Vol. 21, September 15, 2017
Presenters: John Capello, Chris Clemence, Gloria Dios, Dr. Ellen Pikitch, Randall Rosenthal, Drew Shiflett, Yuka Silvera, Catherine Townsend
Vol. 22, December 8, 2017
Presenters: Linda Capello, Andrea Cote, Jeremy Dennis, Alex Feleppa, Sara Gordon, Peter Solow, Eric Striffler, Christian John Wikane
Vol. 23, March 16, 2018
Presenters: Annette Azan, Josh Halsey, Matthew Hartline, Robert Hooke, Tanya Malott, Anne Raymond, Barbara Thomas, Nina Yankowitz
Vol. 24, June 15, 2018
Presenters: Valley Bak, Jackie Black, Jeremy Brandrick, Rainer Gross, Dinah Maxwell Smith, Russell Munson, Joan Ranieri-Certain, Lew Sherwood
Vol. 25, September 14, 2018
Presenters: Scott Edholm, Kelcey Edwards, Tania Eshaghoff-Friedberg, Nadine Homann, Chris LaGuardia, Jane Martin, Miles Partington, Shirley Ruch
Vol. 26, December 7, 2018
Presenters: Raymond Dowd, Inda Eaton, Deborah Klughers, Don Lenzer, Linh VIVACE, Ned Smyth, DJ TWILO, Tonito Valderrama
Vol. 27, March 15, 2019
Presenters: Tiagne Davis, Pipi Deer, Colin Goldberg, Layton Guenther, Lori Hawkins, Carolina Kohn, Bruce Lieberman, Ronald Weintraub
Vol. 28, June 14, 2019
Presenters: Chris Paparo, Janet Culbertson, Joey Mensch, Helen Gifford, John Torreano, Erik Fredrickson, Mary Sabo, and Peter Topping
Vol. 29, September 20, 2019
Presenters: Casey Chalem Anderson, Elisabeth Biondi, Gina Bradley, Dell Cullum, Eric Freeman, Michael Heller, Annie Sessler, and Marisa Striano
Vol. 30, December 6, 2019
Presenters: Alex Cheblal, Michael Drury, Alex Ferrone, Sandi Haber Fifield, Candace Hill Montgomery, Tina Mills, Blair Seagram, Mark-Antonio Smith
Vol. 31, November 20, 2020
Presenters: Irina Alimanestianu, Sarah Cohen, Jody Cukier, Tria Giovan, and John Madere.
Vol. 32, March 19, 2021
Presenters: Hugh Patrick Brown, Nishan Kazazian, and Lauren Ruiz.
Vol. 33, June 18, 2021
Presenters: Michael De Feo, Jaime Lopez, Steven Molina Contreras, Joyce Raimondo, Matthew Raynor, Mark Van Wagner, Susan Vecsey
Vol. 34, October 1, 2021
Presenters: Tom Kochie, Lorena Salcedo-Watson, Adam Lowenbein, Meghan Boody, Melora Griffis, Cynthia Daniels, and David Rankin
Vol. 35, March 25, 2022
Student & Art Educators from the 2022 Student Exhibition
Presenters: Catherine Brigham, Margaret Schultheis, Pamela Collins, Talus Pinto, Robin Gianis, Luna Paucar, Pearl Ann V. Cherry Brown
Vol. 36, June 3, 2022
Presenters: John Melillo, Camille Perrottet, Brianna L. Hernández, Denise Silva-Dennis, Ted Nemeth, Sarah Alford, Mark Seidenfeld
Vol. 37, September 23, 2022
Presenters: Melanie Crader, Kelcey Edwards, Edwina Lucas, Mickey Paraskevas, and Chris Kelly
Vol. 38, December 9, 2022
Presenters: Mónica Ramírez-Montagut, Doug Block, Esperanza Leon, Patricia Pickman Udell, Denise Gale, Victor Miranda
Vol. 39, June 2, 2023
Presenters: Isabella Rupp, Kevin Walz, Christine Keefe, James McMullan, Ted Thirlby, Fukuko Harris, Lautaro Cuttica