Art & Artists

Explore regional art historic information, view our collection, or learn more about an exhibition or publication.

Artist Stories from the Pandemic
Hear from over 100 artists living and working on Long Island’s East End in this unique historical record.
Artist Stories: Database
Discover biographical and historical narratives, and information on milestones, places, and social networks of artists on Long Island since the 1820s.
The Permanent Collection
Explore and research over 3,500 works in the Museum's Permanent Collection online.
Learn more about our current, past, or upcoming exhibitions.
Artist Places
Delve into an interactive map layered with historical, geographical, and biographical information, and the social networks of artists on Long Island from the 1820s until today.
Artist Timeline
Tap into regional events, plus biographical information, art historical narratives, and social networks of hundreds of artists who lived on, worked on, or visited Long Island, from the 1820s to the present.
Browse Parrish Art Museum books and catalogues, published in conjunction with exhibitions or on works in the Parrish Art Museum collection.

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