• Creative Partners

    March 8, 2014 to April 13, 2014

    For more than fifteen years the Parrish has worked in partnership with Southampton and Tuckahoe Schools to bring the highest caliber arts education experiences to their students.

    This year, from March 8 through April 14, the Museum will present an exhibition that highlights the successful collaboration between the Parrish and the two schools. The centerpiece of the exhibition is a brilliant photo-documentary created by members of Southampton High School’s after-school group called the Parrish Art Club, under the guidance of Parrish Education Director Cara Conklin Wingfield and Southampton art teacher Gail Altomare.

    The innovative work, which will be shown in the gallery through video projection and via an interactive website, is a digital portrait image-and-text exploration of the entire Southampton High School community—students, teachers and staff. Inspired by the renowned Humans of New York project, the photo-documentary provides a candid view of the students’ everyday life through their unique individual portraits of the people in their world.

    Visit the interactive website This Is Us.

    The exhibition will also include a selection of student work created through the Parrish partnership with the schools, including paintings by fifth grade students inspired by master landscapes from the permanent collection; relief sculptures created by sixth graders as part of their art history curriculum focused on ancient Egypt; composite landscape collages created by fourth graders; and texture studies in clay by pre-kindergarten students.